I still feel this way. But I also have learned that moderation is key, and it doesn't have to be all or nothing. Unless I move into an enormous home with 30 curio cabinets, you'll never find my home filled with collections, but rather with specific individual pieces here and there throughout the rooms. Lately I've been pining for more space to house all the treasures I fall in love with.
It's not limited to teacups, I found some turn of the century pieces that I'd love to keep, like an Art Nouveau vanity mirror set, some beautiful antique linens, and some silver pieces, but I just don't have space for it all.
Here are some of the pieces I have acquired recently...
Colclough, England, soft blue with pink, yellow, and blue pansies.
Edelstein Bavaria. I think this flower is a fuschia, but it's a guess. It looks more like a combination of about 3 different flowers.
Nippon with hand painted moriage and orange lotus blossoms.
Coalport, England, "Indian Tree" pattern.
A Bavarian lusterware set in pretty purples, blues and hints of pink, with black handles. Love the Art Deco look of this set.
The Van Bergh Teapot and sugar bowl set. How formal and proud do they look? At least until the cat knocks them over.